The 2022 El Tour de Tucson

The 2022 El Tour de Tucson was my 3rd time riding the event, and 2nd time riding the updated course, which first changed in 2021. Even though I didn't achieve my goal of riding a sub six hour tour, I still managed to shave off a few more minutes off my time previously, and I finished in 6:22:20. Which isn't bad considering I stopped a couple of times to use the restroom and refuel. Especially impressive that I managed to shave off six minutes from my 2021 time of 6:28:17 because in that year, I didn't stop at all and just pushed through the whole ride. I do have to remember that my time in 2022 is still a massive improvement from my 1st time out where I finished in 7:12:46.

The only photo I managed to take this year

My Strava times are interesting to look at since Strava, at least with my settings, pauses when I stop riding, so looking at this years time I finished in 6:12:37. Which is massive improvement in compairison to 2022 where Strava tracked me at 6:30:04, which was probably due to me starting tracking right at the start vs when my chip crossed the start line. Then it really is impressive comparing my 2019 moving time to my 2022 moving time because I would have almost cut down an hour off my 2019 moving time of 7:06:37.

The quest continues for the sub six hour tour, we'll see if 2023 is the year, or if I'll take a year off and come back for 2024!